So What is Kiwanis?

Kiwanis is a global organization of over 600,000 volunteers who serve communities in more than 80 countries. Since 1932, the Kiwanis Club of Westminster has been serving our community with special emphasis on the needs of children. Our membership consists of men and women from all walks of life who enjoy fellowship while serving others. We are also very proud to work with and sponsor a family of service leadership Key Clubs in our local schools.

The Kiwanis Mission & Vision

Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis strives to be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive. Kiwanis clubs fulfill the Kiwanis mission by serving their communities through Kiwanis Community Service Projects.

Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage approximately 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.

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